The DEEP DIVE Section
The DEEP DIVE Section
In this section, curious and academically oriented minds will be able to read up on more nuanced, multi-faceted and complex aspects of both the physicality of being intersex, as well as on the social and historical contexts in which DSDs have clashed with, adapted to, and existed in.
Contents of the Deep Dive Section
- Historical Medical Context for Intersex Bodies
- Intersex, Gender and Society
- Infant Genital Modifications and John Money
- Ethical and communications dilemmas facing intersex healthcare
- Biosociality: awareness, community and change
- Biodivergence: new perspectives on viewing the intersex body
- How do we define biological sex, and how do we define variance?
- Dispelling myths: fertility and sexual function
- Psychology, neuroscience, and intersex
- Unrecognized contributions to medical science from DSD patients